Michael The God of War and His Church Imanuel

Michael The God of War and His Church Imanuel: Michael the everlasting

Michael the everlasting

Michael Everlasting Father

Michael The Spirit

God Michael was Spirit, he became flesh and made His dwelling among the Jews. He was later murdered in His body of flesh by the Jews and the Romans. Now he is back again in Spirit. 

Michael is a longer version of EL(God), it simply means Who is like Me (EL). You won't find in the Bible that states Michael was an angel of himself (EL) when he was and is EL. He can send his angels though and they are called angels of EL (Michael), He had only one Son whom He sent and become flesh. He on the other hand lives inside him so they are like being in flesh. He was called by the name Imanuel but while He was in spirit he has a different name. Since they are one and none can separate them he is also God. Now His name is no longer Imanuel, He is The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Mighty God and also The wonderful Councilor.

St. Matthew 10:32 "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

Anyone who want to share with me will share with my God Michael. Everyone thought that Michael was the Son of Marry but no, He was before the creation. Marry was like a flesh medium used so that my God will accomplish everything that had been prophesied. 

As Ish was given a name Adam but later on called YHWH, in the same way God is. The name of the true God had been a mystery for all people for far too long. Now is the time for His truth to be revealed. So that those who had been waiting would see the truth. That is the whole purpose of Godintruth, this page. You will no longer be in the dark. You will no longer be washed away by the lies of those who had come first.

Adam was YHWH but he is not Michael, he was a messenger of Michael The Mighty. It was not YHWH Who split the sea to make dry land for the Hebrews. It was all Michael. Moses however lied about everything. He was a liar and a murderer, just like his God Adam the bronze snake. He never was on the side of Michael, and for that his life was taken from him. He never reached the Promised land but died on the mountain with an aching heart of quilt. He was and is the false prophet of Adam the Satan. Moses is Diabolos.

For those who had been in the dark, for those who had been waiting for this moment, take strength and build up your family properly. Pick up what is new. Don't use the name Jesus. Jesus was never in the original texts of the Bible. Ask those who had study the Bible and they will tell you the truth. They did not tell you then because it was not time yet. Now they will know that the time has come.

Shout out loud the name Michael. Shout it on websites. Shout it on blogs. Shout it on newspapers. Shout it on TV shows. Make it once again the main story for every citizen of the globe. My name is Teiti Imanuel, and I am the servant of Michael, my God and my Father. 

His name will be praised for ever.



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